(970) 340-8166
Business Structuring
Choosing the right entity for your business
Unsure of whether to form or change your business entity as an LLC, LLP, S-Corporation, or stay as a sole proprietorship? We'll help point you in the right direction. Depending on what your business does, you may consider different entity options, in-turn usually requiring you to file different documents periodically to stay in good standing with local and federal laws.
Business Structures
Sole Proprietorships
Closed Corporations
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Nonprofit Companies
Business Licensing
& Renewals
Applying for, or renewing your business license can be annoying or just plain confusing depending on the states your business operates in, or how busy you are running your business. We'll make sure your license stays accurate and up-to-date so you never have to worry.
Periodic Reports
Periodic reports are required by the state for public businesses to continually file with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), to disclose material updates on the company's business operations. We can make sure these always get filed accurately and on-time while you run your business.
Business Taxes
The world of doing business taxes effectively and accurately can be confusing, TaxPros does more then just get you filed.
Income Taxes
Estimated Tax
Sales Tax
Self-Employment Tax
Employment Taxes
Excise Tax
Quarterly Returns
Specialized Mobile Notary Services
In need of a notary on-site, regardless of where that may take place? We'll be there.
Attorney Notary Services
Subpoena Services
Real Estate & Title Notary
Loan Signing Notary Services
Structured Settlement Notary
Automotive Notary Services
Executive Level Bookkeeping​
Monthly Bookkeeping Reports​
Financial Analysis & Consultation​
Periodic Report Filing​
LLC and LLP Formation​
S-Corporation, C-Corporation Entity Formation
Business License Renewals
Business License Renewals​
Reasonable Compensation Filing​
Payroll Options​​
Mobile Notary Services​​
​EIN Numbers​
Business Tax Returns​​
Sales Tax Reporting​​
Excise Tax Reporting